Prairie Restoration

Restoring the native plant matrix of the prairie in areas where prairies existed.

Prescribed Burning

Returning Prairies, savannas, and woodlands to a healthy state. 

Woodland Restoration

Bringing your woodland back to a health by removing woody invasives.

Buckthorn Removal

Removing the toxic buckthorn to promote natural growth of the non-invasive species you actually want to thrive.

Shoreline Restoration

Restoring shorelines to promote stabilization and revegetation.

what we do

Restoration of the natural habitats and ecosystems of southern Wisconsin

Restoration is the process of returning the land to a healthy state for nature, wildlife, and people. Midwest Prairies specializes in such projects and are skilled with a craftsman’s touch. We work with private land owners, park districts, state agencies, and others who wish to bring about a land restoration and enhance the environment.

Years of experience

What We Do

Shoreline Restoration

The process of “restoring” a shoreline is really one of stabilization and revegetation.

Prairie Restoration

Restore the native plant matrix of the prairie in areas where prairie formerly existed

Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration seeks to repair areas that have been subjected to habitat destruction

Savannah Restoration

Restore the native plant matrix of the prairie in areas where prairie formerly existed

Woodland Restoration

Restore the native plant matrix of the prairie in areas where prairie formerly existed

Wetland Restoration

Wetland restoration can be a complicated process.  Careful attention to these issues is absolutely critical. 

Other Services Provided

Buckthorn Removal

Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) is an invasive shrub or small trees which came from Europe through the nursery trade. They have spread throughout the Midwest into our woodlands and forests and choke out all native woodland vegetation by replacing and shading out the existing understory.  

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Invasive Species Removal

Invasive non-native plants can have devastating impacts on fish and wildlife habitat, timber and agricultural yields, recreational opportunities, native plant communities, and local economies.

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Ecological Consulting

We are experienced in creative problem-solving and collaboration to address complex environmental problems, specifically expertise include ecological restoration, landscape design, wetland banking, technical writing, and business.

Natural Resources Management Plan

Midwest Prairies can assist landowners develop a natural resources management plan in order to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach that will meet the customer’s goals.
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Prescribed Burning

Midwest Prairies conducts dozens of prescribed burns every year. We use trained staff and equipment specially designed for this work. Our services always include the development of a burn plan and procurement of permits.

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Herbicide Application

Herbicide applications are essential in the control of invasive species. Alternative methods can be effective but are often costly and time-consuming. Our staff are trained and licensed in the proper application of herbicides.
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Mowing, Seeding, Planting

Midwest Prairies as several mowing systems that work at different scales depending on the situation.
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What is the number one cause of mortality of deer? Fawn starvation!  What a horrific thought! Many landowners look for ways to create more welcoming...